Last week I uploaded a new YouTube video reviewing and showing the Dehancer plug-in. (I have discount code for Dehancer at the bottom of this blog)

I get review offers from some small companies often but I don’t want to accept just any partnership. Any sponsorship or review I do has to make sense with what I talk about on my blog or YouTube channel. When Dehancer reached out to see if I would consider doing a review of their software it seemed like a perfect fit.

Dehancer (the photo version) is a plug-in for Photoshop, Lightroom, Capture One, and Affinity photo. It’s a tool to give your photos a film look. It includes a handful of adjustment tools and presets to help you achieve that.

I love playing around with different photo editing styles and that includes trying to achieve a vintage or film like vibe, at least sometimes. I was excited about working with Dehancer because this is a product I would actually use.

Here are a few images edited in Dehancer:

My video gives a good overview of what Dehancer does and how it works. Overall I think it’s a great pice of software for anyone who likes to mimic 35mm film with their digital files or to just give your images a vintage vibe.

There are improvements I hope they make and I mention those in the video.

The halation, bloom and film grain modules are 3 of the big reasons I really like using it. Halation and bloom are image effects that are not easily done in Lightroom or Capture One alone.

Another cool thing I like about Dehancer is it makes it super easy to create, share and import presets. I’ve created 2 that you can download for FREE on my Buy Me A Coffee page, of course any donation is apprecated. –

Dehancer sent me this copy of the software in exchange for a review but no other coordination was made.

Once I tried it for a bit I decided to become an affiliate of theirs so I can offer a discount code to any of my viewers and readers who decide to give it a try. So if you decide to try Dehancer I invite you to use my discount code “CBPHOTO22” when you purchase. If you’re going to buy it anyway, you might as well not pay the full price of Dehancer, right? (DISCLAIMER: I recieve a portion of every purchase made with my discount code. )

If you decide to try out Dehancer, let me know how it works out for you.